Monday, August 30, 2004

Culture Station

Saadhu at a railway station. Click for larger image.

Culture Station

I had shot this photograph on the same trip as the Kerala and Kodaikanal trip I made, but hadn't posted it on that album. This one was shot in a railway station in Karnataka.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nerdling. Its me Buds. This damn thing was asking me to sign up and shit to show my name. Sux. Nice page man. Get some more neat shit out on it though. Take care and keep it coming. Ciao.

Rakesh Pai said...

Sorry about the sign-up required on this site, Buds. I know it sucks too. How about just leaving your name in the comments, next time? And probably a link to your web-site too? I'll see if I can edit it to make it look better, if it needs editing.
And yes, the good stuff is just on its way!

Anonymous said...

hey nerd,
Ryan here. Cool page . the old guy look dam cool. A close up would have been better. Keep them coming .....

Rakesh Pai said...

Ryan, this dude was tripped out, man. He saw me with the camera, and just kept posing with his straight face. I didn't miss the moment.

Road Bridge said...

The bridge, which is a component of the transportation system, needs to be replaced. The demolition expert in Edmonton
