Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Announcing AceSeller.com

It's been some time now that I've been working on solving an interesting problem, and I think it's time to start talking about it.

AceSeller.com is a cloud-hosted service that aims to make it real easy for businesses to start selling products on their websites. It is targeted at small and mid-sized businesses that want to start selling online, but don't know how to. It is, from what we've seen, already the simplest to use and cleanest application that does this.

I'm doing this together with Sandeep Shetty and Jinesh Mehta. Between the three of us, we've got a great deal of experience with almost every aspect of running ecommerce sites. We are good friends, have tremendous respect for each other, and share a common passion for technology, simplicity, great user experiences and online businesses. This passion has already started reflecting in AceSeller.

We're working very closely with some businesses who have agreed to use our platform for launching their web-stores, and we are very excited about the great feedback we've been getting. One of these stores has already gone live on the AceSeller platform and is already processing orders, while several more are in the pipeline.

AceSeller is currently not open for sign-ups. We are working fervently on getting the little details right. However, if you want early access to AceSeller, please leave your email address with us, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our plans with AceSeller are huge. We've barely scratched the surface of what we want to offer, and this post doesn't do justice to even that little bit that we've already accomplished.

The amount of things we've learnt over the last couple of weeks alone is tremendous; I can't wait to start sharing that knowledge. There's so much to talk about - everything from the challenges we've faced in getting businesses online, to the user experience we want to provide, to how our technology choices came about and how we managed to race ahead to get AceSeller live. I'll keep churning out more details as frequently as possible. Stay tuned.
